Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About PRIDE High School:
Q: How long has Pride High School been around? A: PHS was established in 1991 as Lockhart ISD’s Academic High School of Choice and offers individualized learning, low teacher-student ratio, and flexible scheduling options in an environment that allows our students to show their individuality while being a part of a small, close-knit community.
Q: Is PHS where the students that get in trouble are sent? A: No, PHS is the Lockhart ISD Academic High School of Choice, we are not the Discipline Alternative Education Program. To come to PHS, students must apply, go through an interview process, and meet specific criteria to be accepted.
Q: How are classes different than a traditional high school? A: PHS offers accelerated paced programs, each grading period equals a semester for PHS. This means you can move through the lessons faster than a traditionally taught class and upon finishing a ½ credit, move directly into a new course without waiting for the semester to end. Being a part of our unique program allows students to complete classes faster, earn credits more quickly, and graduate earlier than anticipated.
Q: Are all the classes self-paced? A: No, we have what is considered a blended learning model. All classes are offered at an accelerated pace although some classes are directly tied to the state STAAR test. These classes may have more innovatively taught elements to ensure that students are prepared for testing. Direct teach classes are taught through Project Based Learning and can finish 1 whole credit in a traditional semester.
Q: What criteria do students need to meet in order to apply?
A: In order to apply students must meet the following criteria:
- Be in grades 10-12
- Have a strong sense of self-motivation and need to succeed
- Be able to work independently and in groups with more limited direct instruction than in a traditional setting.
Q: The completed application and essay have been turned in, now what? A: We will review your application, essay, and teacher recommendation forms. You will receive a call to schedule an interview to further discuss our school and if you would succeed in our blended learning environment. If you are accepted, we will discuss the steps you will need to take in order to enroll. If you are not accepted, we will contact you directly to let you know.
Q: When I graduate from PHS, do I get a normal diploma? A: Yes. PHS is a fully accredited school and part of Lockhart ISD. We have our own graduation ceremony and students receive the same diploma as a traditional high school.